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⚠️ Update

In the latest versions of Three.js, lights require a higher intensity:

const ambientLight = new THREE.AmbientLight('#b9d5ff', 0.12)
// ...
const moonLight = new THREE.DirectionalLight('#b9d5ff', 0.26)

The result will look slightly more realistic. Don’t be surprised if it’s not the exact same colors as in the video.

⚠️ Update

In the latest versions of Three.js, lights require a higher intensity:

const doorLight = new THREE.PointLight('#ff7d46', 3, 7)

The result will look slightly more realistic. Don’t be surprised if it’s not the exact same colors as in the video.

⚠️ Update

Textures used as map and matcap are supposed to be encoded in sRGB.

In the latest versions of Three.js we need to specify it by setting their colorSpace to THREE.SRGBColorSpace:

doorColorTexture.colorSpace = THREE.SRGBColorSpace

⚠️ Update

Textures used as map and matcap are supposed to be encoded in sRGB.

In the latest versions of Three.js we need to specify it by setting their colorSpace to THREE.SRGBColorSpace:

bricksColorTexture.colorSpace = THREE.SRGBColorSpace

⚠️ Update

Since the version 0.151 of Three.js, we don’t need to provide an uv2 attribute.

You can ignore this part.

⚠️ Update

Since the version 0.151 of Three.js, we don’t need to provide an uv2 attribute.

You can ignore this part.

⚠️ Update

Since the version 0.151 of Three.js, we don’t need to provide an uv2 attribute.

You can ignore this part.

⚠️ Update

In the latest versions of Three.js, lights require a higher intensity:

const ghost1 = new THREE.PointLight('#ff00ff', 6, 3)

The result will look slightly more realistic. Don’t be surprised if it’s not the exact same colors as in the video.

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Haunted House

Difficulty Hard

Introduction 00:00

Let's use what we've learned to create a haunted house. We will only use Three.js primitives as geometries, the textures in the /static/textures/ folder, and one or two new features.

We will create an elementary house composed of walls, a roof, a door, and some bushes. We will also produce graves in the garden. Instead of visible ghosts made of sheets, we will simply use multicolor lights floating around and passing through the walls and the floor.

Tips for measurements 00:43

One beginner mistake we always make when creating something using primitives is using random measures. One unit in Three.js can mean anything you want.

Suppose you are creating a considerable landscape to fly above. In that case, you might think of one unit as one kilometer. If you are building a house, you might think of one unit as one meter, and if you are making a marble game, you might think of one unit as one centimeter.

Having a specific unit ratio will help you create geometries. Let's say you want to make the door. You know that a door is slightly taller than you, so it should reach around 2 meters.

For those using imperials units, you'll have to do the conversion.

Setup 01:15

The starter is only composed of a floor, a sphere, some lights (way too intense for a haunted house), and shadows aren't even working.

We will have to create the house all by ourselves, tweak the current lights for a better ambiance, add the shadows, and the rest.

The house 01:45

First, let's remove the sphere and create a tiny house. We can leave the floor.

Instead of putting every object composing that house in the scene, we will first create a container just in case we want to move or scale the whole thing:

// House container
const house = new THREE.Group()

Then we can create the walls with a simple cube and add it to the house. Don't forget to move the walls up on the y axis; otherwise it will be half inside the floor:

// Walls
const walls = new THREE.Mesh(
    new THREE.BoxGeometry(4, 2.5, 4),
    new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({ color: '#ac8e82' })
walls.position.y = 1.25

We chose 2.5 for the height because it would seem like a normal height for the ceiling. We also chose '#ac8e82' for the color, but it's temporary, and we will replace those colors with textures later.

For the roof, we want to make a pyramid shape. The problem is that Three.js doesn't have this kind of geometry. But if you start from a cone and reduce the number of sides to 4, you'll get a pyramid. Sometimes you just have to deflect basic features usages:

// Roof
const roof = new THREE.Mesh(
    new THREE.ConeGeometry(3.5, 1, 4),
    new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({ color: '#b35f45' })
roof.rotation.y = Math.PI * 0.25
roof.position.y = 2.5 + 0.5

Finding the right position and the right rotation might be a little hard. Take your time, try to figure out the logic behind the values, and don't forget that Math.PI is your friend.

As you can see, we left 2.5 + 0.5. We could have written 3 but it's sometime better to visualize the logic behind the value. 2.5, because the roof walls are 2.5 units high and 0.5 because the cone is 1 unit high (and we need to move it up to half its height).

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To get access to 91 hours of video, a members-only Discord server and future updates, join us for only $95!

How to use it 🤔

  • Download the Starter pack or Final project
  • Unzip it
  • Open your terminal and go to the unzip folder
  • Run npm install to install dependencies
    (if your terminal warns you about vulnerabilities, ignore it)
  • Run npm run dev to launch the local server
    (project should open on your default browser automatically)
  • Start coding
  • The JS is located in src/script.js
  • The HTML is located in src/index.html
  • The CSS is located in src/style.css

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