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Three.js documentation
- MeshStandardMaterial
- DirectionalLight
- LatheGeometry
- ExtrudeGeometry
- BoxGeometry
- MeshBasicMaterial
- Mesh
- PlaneGeometry
- MeshDepthMaterial
- Uniform
- Color
- MeshPhysicalMaterial
Custom Shader Material
GLSL functions
Shortcuts ⌨️
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Introduction 00:00
In this lesson, we are going to transform a plane into a procedural terrain with mountains, water, beaches, plateaus, etc. using shaders:
We’ve already learned most of the techniques we are going to use and it’s an opportunity to practice while discovering a few more tricks.
Setup 01:04
The starter already contains the following:
- A placeholder sphere with a MeshStandardMaterial applied to it
- An HDR environment map for the background, which is also there to light up the scene
- A DirectionalLight to light up the scene even more and cast shadows
- The
dependency to handle GLSL files OrbitControls
to rotate around- The
dependency to enhance built-in materials
Board 01:50
Instead of starting right away with the terrain, we are going to create the board around it. This board needs to look like this:
Although it looks quite simple, creating a hole in a plain geometry is actually rather difficult and there are many ways to do it, yet no simple one.
We could use the LatheGeometry with only 4
We could use ExtrudeGeometry.
We could create 4 BoxGeometry arranged in a specific way:
We could even create the model in a 3D software like Blender and import it.
All those solutions should get you the right result, but there is one more solution that I want you to discover and it’s the three-bvh-csg.
CSG stands for Constructive Solid Geometry, and BVH stands for Bounding Volume Hierarchy. Although very interesting, we are not going to explain those two topics.
To put it in a nutshell, three-bvh-csg enables boolean operations between geometries. As an example, you can use a sphere geometry to poke a hole in a box geometry.
In our case, we are going to start from box geometry, and then create a slightly smaller box geometry sticking out above and below. Then we are going to ask that last one to poke a hole in the first one:
three-bvh-csg is available on NPM:
Install the library using npm install
and force the version to 0.0.16
npm install three-bvh-csg@0.0.16
We force the version to make sure it works with the lesson.
Each base shape that will be used in the operation is called a Brush
Import Brush
from 'three-bvh-csg'
import { Brush } from 'three-bvh-csg'
After the Placeholder
section, add a Board
* Placeholder
// ...
* Board
We need two Brushes
, one for the base shape and one to poke a hole in it.
To instantiate a Brush
, we need to send it a Three.js geometry.
Let’s start with the base shape that we are going to name boardFill
and instantiate a Brush
using a BoxGeometry:
// Brushes
const boardFill = new Brush(new THREE.BoxGeometry(11, 2, 11))
We can’t see it, but the shape exists.
Next, let’s create the Brush
that will poke a hole. Instantiate a new Brush
using a BoxGeometry again, but change its size so that it’s tighter but higher. Finally, name it boardHole
// Brushes
const boardFill = new Brush(new THREE.BoxGeometry(11, 2, 11))
const boardHole = new Brush(new THREE.BoxGeometry(10, 2.1, 10))
We have our two brushes; now, we want to poke a hole in boardFill
using boardHole
We need to instantiate an Evaluator
How to use it 🤔
- Download the Starter pack or Final project
- Unzip it
- Open your terminal and go to the unzip folder
npm install
to install dependencies
(if your terminal warns you about vulnerabilities, ignore it) -
npm run dev
to launch the local server
(project should open on your default browser automatically) - Start coding
- The JS is located in src/script.js
- The HTML is located in src/index.html
- The CSS is located in src/style.css