to play / pauseARROW RIGHT
to go forwardARROW LEFT
to go backwardARROW UP
to increase volumeARROW DOWN
to decrease volumeF
to toggle fullscreenM
to toggle mute0 to 9
to go to the corresponding part of the videoSHIFT
to decrease playback speedSHIFT
to increase playback speed
Signed Distance Field
- Inigo Quilez (@iquilezles)
- 2D SDF functions
- 3D SDF functions
- Troika
- Troika-three-text
Shortcuts ⌨️
⚠️ Update
Use version 9.108
of @react-three/drei
npm install @react-three/drei@9.108
⚠️ Update
In the latest versions of @react-three/drei
, PivotControls
also supports scaling.
Use the dots at the extremities of the arrows.
⚠️ Update
In the latest versions of @react-three/drei
, the default size of <Text>
is bigger.
Don’t worry, we are going to change it anyway.
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To get access to 93 hours of video, a members-only Discord server and future updates, join us for only $95!
Introduction 00:00
Creating a Three.js scene is already super simple with R3F, but it’s going to get even simpler.
One of the advantages of React is the ability to make things reusable. R3F took advantage of that and developers are creating many components (called helpers) ready to be used in your R3F application.
It could be about almost anything. Here are some examples:
- Camera Controls
- Complex geometries
- Post-processing
- HTML implementation
- Loaders
- Environment settings
- Complex calculations
- Etc.
Some of those helpers can be added as components (<theHelper>
), some as hooks (useHelper
) and you can find most of them regrouped in drei (Three in german, pronounced /dʁaɪ̯/).
First, you should pause the lesson and check them all (no kidding).
You don’t have to test them in depth. The idea is that you discover them so that, at some point, if you need one, you’ll know these possibilities exist. Otherwise, you might end up re-inventing the wheel.
Still, we are going to discover some of them right now to get a good idea of the potential and we are going to use some more in the next lessons.
Setup 03:16
The setup is very similar to the previous lesson with a sphere, a cube and a floor.
There is also a directional light source and an ambient light source.
The cube isn’t animated and the camera is being handled by the <orbitControls>
OrbitControls 03:51
The first helper we are going to install, is OrbitControls.
You might think that we already have it, and while that’s true, using this helper will make things easier and will grant us access to features that we haven’t activated yet.
In Experience.jsx
, remove the current OrbitControls
, the extend
, the <orbitControls>
component and useThree
export default function Experience()
return <>
<directionalLight position={ [ 1, 2, 3 ] } intensity={ 4.5 } />
<ambientLight intensity={ 1.5 } />
<mesh position-x={ - 2 }>
<sphereGeometry />
<meshStandardMaterial color="orange" />
<mesh position-x={ 2 } scale={ 1.5 }>
<boxGeometry />
<meshStandardMaterial color="mediumpurple" />
<mesh position-y={ - 1 } rotation-x={ - Math.PI * 0.5 } scale={ 10 }>
<planeGeometry />
<meshStandardMaterial color="greenyellow" />
The starter could have been set like this, but I wanted you to see how much easier it’s going to be.
How to use it 🤔
- Download the Starter pack or Final project
- Unzip it
- Open your terminal and go to the unzip folder
npm install
to install dependencies
(if your terminal warns you about vulnerabilities, ignore it) -
npm run dev
to launch the local server
(project should open on your default browser automatically) - Start coding
- The JS is located in src/script.js
- The HTML is located in src/index.html
- The CSS is located in src/style.css